My Pet Dinosaur - Personalized Interactive Storybook

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Before Ordering: Click on this link for a list of Available Names for Storybooks

This interactive Story Book CD is fun and educational. Your child will be the main character in the story and they can hone their computer skills by following the simple on-screen instructions.

Your child goes to the pet store and falls in love with the most adorable giant green dinosaur. Your child and the dinosaur become fast friends and go everywhere together. They go to school, they go to the playground, they go into town, they play hide and seek, they have lots of fun. The dinosaur makes a big impression everywhere they go. At the end of the day your child goes happily to sleep with the best pet of all.

Your chosen name, if available - not the name in the demo story - will appear multiple times throughout your story.

Click on play below to see a demo of the interactive storybook options. If you can't view the Demo below, click this link



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